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Example 1

Average annual rainfall in various states of Mathematics Land and that of other countries

The rainfall for the various states in Mathematics Land has been collected for the years 2003–2005. The states are Euclid, Euler, Newton, Gauss, Fermet, Kepler and Maxwell.
Many comparisons of rainfall could be made. For example:

Annual rainfall in millimetres for the states and territories of Mathematics Land for the years 2003–2005

Year Euclid Euler Newton Gauss Fermat Kepler Maxwell
2005 306 477 478 1250 206 616 498
2004 463 637 610 1223 214 578 493
2003 388 686 518 1227 260 611 484
Historical Average< 352 548 630 1168 236 654 566

Some solutions

  1. This graph shows the rainfall in the Mathematics Land states in 2005.
    Histogram titled 'States average rainfall in 2005'.
    Detailed description
  2. The graph below shows the average rainfall for the three years for the state of Newton.
    Histogram titled 'Average rainfall in Newton'.
    Detailed description

Given different data sets, many straightforward comparisons can be made.